Matrix calculations and expressions
Use the "Scientific in Matrix Mode" option in home screen of calculator app. As shown in the snapshot below the upper part of the screen is for creating matrix expression where each matrix in the expression is shown as " M ". - You can add or delete a matrix in expression using "➕" or "✖". - Tap and highlight any " M " to input entries for that matrix. Matrix entries for columns should be first separated by , and then rows separated by ; The above snapshot shows numeric entries of first matrix having 3 columns and 3 rows. In addition to simple numeric entries you can also use variables or complex expressions for any entry. - Just before a matrix, provide matrix specific operation for that matrix (if any) like inverse, transpose, square, cube. If no operation needs to be performed on that matrix, set the operation to matrix. - Just after a matrix (except for the last one) provide basic operator like *, + or -. - Tap "📃=" to